To implement the policy of public participation in starting businesses and making innovations, Tianji…
On Dec 19 th of 2015, 6th Donglihu Forum Magnetic Susceptibility Innovation Forum, hosted by organizi…
To promote the development of makerspaces and create a favourable environment for entrepreneurs under…
Morning of October 28, 2015, Makerspace Policy Presentation Conference of Dongli District held Succes…
On Oct.15 th of 2015, Dongli District committee enlargement of CPC held an investigation activity. Le…
On October 15, 2015, Wenwen Niu, the president of The Founder Group and Dark Horse University, visite…
On Sep.1 st , 2015, entrepreneurship and incubation tutorial, hosted by Tianjin Association of Entrep…
On Aug. 12 nd of 2015, a hazardous material warehouse in Tianjin Port exploded in the late night and …
2015 China-UK Open Innovation Workshop was held by Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commissio…